Reduced unstructured data archiving costs

Reduced unstructured data archiving costs

Reduced unstructured data archiving costs

Reduced unstructured data archiving costs

95% reduction
in media storage costs.

Reduced media discovery time when searching the active archive.

Introducing our esteemed client, McCann Worldgroup, a global marketing services powerhouse based in the heart of New York City. With a team of over 14,000 creative makers, they are dedicated to transforming creative ideas into meaningful executions across various mediums, including digital, print, broadcast, and the unique field of transcreation. Their commitment to excellence has earned them awards at prestigious platforms like Cannes, the Effies, and CLIOs and set them apart in the industry. As they navigate the complex landscape of global content creation, join us in exploring their journey and discover how they’re making waves in the world of creative production.



McCann Worldgroup

McCann Worldgroup

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McCann Worldgroup uses Microsoft’s SharePoint as its enterprise content management platform, storing media assets like video, audio, image, and documents in Microsoft’s Office cloud. As their media creation exploded, so did their growing SaaS storage overage charges. Storing all this media in their active archive quickly became a budgetary nightmare, but losing access or not preserving this intellectual capital was not an option. Their users liked SharePoint, so moving to a different enterprise content management platform would be expensive and fraught with its cost model challenges. Further, manually purging content from SharePoint would be time-consuming, error-prone, and impractical due to their size and scale.



Support Partners proposed AIR Archive for their active archive challenge with its’ unique capability to archive media content from SharePoint while deriving AI-enriched insight. Support Partners’ professional services assessed the SharePoint sites, calculating the diversity and size of assets and allowing the team to focus on those sites presenting the greatest cost challenge. AIR Archive migrated media based on pre-determined conditions from SharePoint into Microsoft’s Azure Blob Storage, reducing media costs. The users still use SharePoint’s interface to discover their assets, but now they receive additional AI-enriched insight. For videos and audio, personalities, emotions, labels, keyframes, and transcriptions align with the timecode, allowing the user to easily navigate to the specific sub-clips of interest. Discovery time went from tens of minutes to seconds, enabling their team to improve productivity. 

Business Benefit

Business Benefit

By moving to Support Partners’ AIR Archive, McCann Worldgroup reduced SharePoint storage costs by 95% by eliminating storage overage fees. AIR Archives automation scaled the solution to over 20 million files and 5PBs, enabling faster federated discovery and improved collaboration. Improved search came with an improved reuse of assets, reducing the need to repeat standard creative processes such as video shoots.

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